We're continually working hard to reduce the incidents of violence in communities throughout the country. If you're interested to see what we've been doing recently (especially if you want to help), check out our Programs page.
Almost every day we pick up the morning paper and shudder when we read about the teenager who was sexually assaulted in the local mall parking lot, the 80 year old grandmother who was attacked in the lobby of her building, or the actress who was sexually abused by a producer. Sometimes we read the entire article but other times we just skip over the story because the facts are all too familiar and we've heard them so many times before.
Although achievements addressing violence, harassment and sexual misconduct against women and teens have been forthcoming, these efforts are not nearly enough. I believe that by focusing on education and by raising awareness about these issues, we’re going to make the most substantial impact. The NOWSA’s goal is simple - to help prevent sexual assault and violence and harassment against women and teens. The organization is making great strides to develop prevention strategies and engage all persons within our communities including individuals, corporations, men and boys, parents, and victims, as active participants in this work.
Albert Einstein once said, "the world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil but because of the people who do nothing about it." I urge you to never to look on and do nothing. I encourage you to get involved, speak up and "Be a Voice" for the sake of our daughter, mothers, sisters and all the women in the world.
We have a simple, but robust mission: to raise awareness about sexual assault and other misconduct against women & teens and to stop it. We do that by focusing on education and advocating for social change.
If you want to help keep women and teens safer, we want your help. Whether it's sharing your time, ideas or stories with our charity or attending events, we need you. And so do our communities. Please contact us.